My most important training came outside the classroom, as a student activist. As I look at the surge of student organizing aimed at stopping the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, participation in such movements can have a long-term impact...
Jewish activists who support the cause of the Palestinians will take particular interest in her growth from a girl who grew up in a traditional Jewish family, active in the young Zionist movement, to a fierce fighter for peace in the Middle East....
Pat Fry was a long-time activist, journalist, and leader in the working class, peace, solidarity, anti-imperialist, and left-wing and socialist movements in the United States, dies after long struggle with cancer.
Celebrated 19th-century biologist Ernst Haeckel pushed race science as his little-known protégé Nikolai Miklucho-Maclay defended Indigenous rights. A biological anthropologist reflects on the impacts of their ruptured relationship.
An interview with musician and activist Holly Near. The arc of her professional life has spanned more than five decades in a most unique fashion, singing for a more peaceful, equitable, just, and feminist world.
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