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Tidbits – Sept. 14, 2023 – Reader Comments: March To End Fossil Fuels – THIS SUNDAY; Looming UAW Strike – What You Can Do; Abortion Rights; Africa and France; Class Visits by Anti-War Veterans; 50 Years Ago Democracy Died in Chile; Cartoons;

Reader Comments: March to End Fossil Fuels - THIS SUNDAY; Looming UAW Strike - What You Can Do; Abortion Rights Attacks on All Workers; Africa and France; Class Visits by Anti-War Veterans; 50 Years Ago Democracy Died in Chile; Cartoons; more....

Ships Going Out

James Oakes The New York Review
In American Slavers, Sean M. Kelley surveys the relatively unknown history of Americans who traded in slaves in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Niger Revolution Takes Bonapartist Turn

M. K. Bhadrakumar Indian Punchline
The 4-week old turmoil in the West African state of Niger is taking a curious turn that no longer allows a binary vision of “neo-colonialism and imperialism” versus “national liberation”.
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