Discussion of Mr. Musk often misses something: He is a white South African, part of a demographic that for centuries sat atop a racial hierarchy maintained by violent colonial rule. That history matters. He is in fact a distinctly ideological figure.
Printed out of a cattle barn in Missouri, Anvil published some of the biggest leftist writers of the 1930s, including Richard Wright and Langston Hughes. Its popular vision for multiracial socialism in the heart of the US could hardly be more urgent.
Interview with Dr. Maurice Jackson about his new book on the use of sport and music. Traditionally not fields touched on extensively in intellectual history, the book builds on both of these to create a rich tapestry of life in Washington, D.C.
U.S. history is not a steady march toward greater equality, democracy and individual rights, these liberal values compete with an alternative set of illiberal values that hold that citizenship should be limited by race, ethnicity, gender and class.
The Philadelphia Eagles and Kendrick Lamar’s collective of geniuses made this the Super Bowl we needed. This year’s Super Bowl in New Orleans could have been a fascist Mardi Gras. Then, the unexpected....
Nikki Giovanni, as a writer, she tackled race, gender, sex, politics and love. She was also a public intellectual who appeared on television and toured the country.
Marcantonio, like other notable Harlem figures such as writers Langston Hughes and Claude McKay, practiced what I call “living in difference,” or deeply engaging with those who are unlike you for a shared project.
It is impossible to separate liberation struggles from song. And in the 1960s — at marches, and in jailhouses — the voice leading those songs was often Bernice Johnson Reagon. She died Tuesday at the age of 81.
What to the Slave Is the Fourth July? by Frederick Douglass speaks to the frustrations spurred by the gap between the ideals of the United States and the reality we witness every day, and the threat of fascism. Read/listen to his brilliant speech.
The loss of Rep. Jamaal Bowman to AIPAC-backed challenger George Latimer is being played as a defeat for “the left” and a sign of the Democratic Party and its voters moving to the center. Sorry, but the reality is rather more complicated.
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