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Newsflash: Inequality in Neoliberal America

Photo of a sign on a post that says PEOPLE OVER PROFIT A new report provides perhaps the best detail we have so far on the economic and social consequences of neo-liberal economic policies in America. 

Getting Back the American Dream

Roy J. Adams Portside
The American Dream, should be one of equality and inclusion, with fundamental rights of all Americans guaranteed. Unionization as a seamless aspect of democratic society; universal collective bargaining and full employment an essential policy goal.

Students Now Indentured to the Banksters

The Daily Take Team, The Thom Hartmann Program Truthout | Op-Ed
America's student loan debt crisis is a massive, devastating, trillion dollar morally criminal conspiracy, committed by Wall Street banksters, libertarian billionaires and Reaganomics devotees.


BART Strike Illustrates Heated Debate Over Public-Sector Work Stoppages

Josh Richman San Jose Mercury News
"Union struggles reflect on all jobs," said Jane Smith, 30, a data scientist from San Francisco. "Unions won the struggle for a 40-hour workweek, and we are all benefiting from that still. Unions also fight for higher wages, which translate to higher wages for all Americans." The BART strike is a symptom of "the income and wealth inequality that is plaguing our nation," she said. "I can't believe that people are missing the point."
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