Sanders is doing some things that Democrats ought to pay attention to. He is using the theme of oligarchy and class domination as an overarching message. “We are here to say loudly and clearly that in our great nation we will not accept oligarchy.”
Introduction to the Ensemble! (FR) meeting on the consequences of the Trump presidency for Europe. Europe must deepen and broaden its integration or become dependent on the neo-fascist international forming around the Trump-Putin axis.
We have to answer something. Who is fed, housed, given health care, safety, and security by what we’re fighting about? Does the fight we’re in lead to a change that can alter people’s lives for the better or advance us toward a revolutionary shift?
Humiliated by a Nazi officer as a teenager, she joined the French Resistance. By the time she was 20, she had killed a German soldier, survived torture and captured a supply train.
Trump will fight to try to impose his vision of the new world. But there is a large gap between a stated intention and an accomplished fact. And it is within that space that politics happens.
Donald Trump, our President-elect, is the head teacher of the Führerprinzip, the ‘Leader Principle.’ We only get to have one of them, nor do we need any more. ‘The Leader’ is all-knowing and infallible.
After my father fled Nazi Germany in 1933, he witnessed a toxic new nationalism rising among Jews in Palestine—and was silenced for trying to warn of its dangers.
Authoritarians and would-be authoritarians are only too aware that universities are primary sites of critique and dissent. Attacks on universities are the canary in the coalmine of fascism.
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