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The Past Is Not Always Our Guide

David Rosenberg Morning Star
A look back to the days when the Anti-Nazi League and Rock Against Racism stood against the thugs of the National Front. There are important differences to the anti-racism battles of today, which calls for fresh thinking.


We Can Breathe!

Gabriel Winant London Review of Books
The fascinating history of how the antifascist movement of the 1930s created "the left" as we know it today. Joseph Fronczak shows how socialists, liberals, communists, anarchists, and others achieved a semblance of unity in the fight against fascism

How To Stop Fascism

Timothy Snyder Thinking About ...
Those who wish to preserve the American constitutional republic should also recall the past.  A good start would be just to recall the five basic political lessons of 1933. Recalling history, we act for a future that can and will be much better.

“Casablanca” Has a Message for Us Today

Greg Olear Prevail
The first time I saw Casablanca was 1992, The most recent was last night. On each viewing, I notice something I hadn’t seen before, walk away with something new. Casablanca is often described as a romance—and it is. It is a drama. It is a war film...

The Ongoing Popular Responsibility of the Liberation

Alessandro Portelli Il Manifesto Global
April 25 -- marking the victory of the Resistance in Italy over Mussolini and German occupiers -- is the day we remember that the Constitution and anti-Fascism are a daily practice, not an occasional celebration.


Sketches From Spain: Homage to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

Philip C. Kolin, reviewer Portside
No one is better qualified than Peter Neil Carroll to write a book of memorial poems about the valiant men and women who volunteered for the Abraham Lincoln Brigade to fight the fascists in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939.
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