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U.S. Fighters in the Spanish Civil War

Roger Bybee MRonline
Miguel Ferguson, !Brigadistas! An American Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War, ed. Paul Buhle and Fraser Ottanelli, art by Anne Timmons (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2022).


Convergence On the Right

Cathy Nugent Workers' Liberty
As the far right grows world-wide through the confluence of traditional conservatives, authoritarian elements, white nationalists and previously marginal fascists, its sway makes struggles against capital problematic. A new book charts alternatives.

Global Left Midweek - November 14, 2018

Crackdown in China, German Greens Surprise Vote, Domestic Workers to Congregate in Cape Town, UK Demos Hit Brexit and Fascists, Chile National Strike, Migrants Fill Rome Streets


"In the Fade": Lone Wolf Antifa in New Anti-Neo-Nazi German Film

Ed Rampell Hollywood Progressive
Diane Kruger is superb portraying a tortured character with her own “Subterranean Homesick Blues” who is “thinking about the government.” Kruger won the Best Actress Award at 2017’s Cannes Film Festival for her depiction of the anguished Katja who decides to take direct action against the neo-nazi assassins of her husband and child.
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