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The Criminalization of Solidarity: The Stop Cop City Prosecutions

Tadhg Larabee and Eva Rosenfeld Dissent Magazine
Georgia’s sweeping, political application of conspiracy law echoes tactics that shattered the left a hundred years ago, when the government targeted socialist parties and militant unions with laws against criminal syndicalism, espionage, and sedition

Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation

Chandra Childers Economic Policy Institute
Southern politicians claim that “business-friendly” policies lead to an abundance of jobs and economic prosperity for all Southerners. The data actually show a grim economic reality.


Eugene Scalia Is a Foe of the Working Class

Meagan Day Jacobin
Eugene Scalia has spent his career as a corporate lawyer fighting for the interests of capital, not workers. Now he's in line to run the Labor Department,


Avoiding a DFR Charge under Tougher New Rules

Richard de Vries Labor Notes
A union can now be found guilty of violating the duty of fair representation (DFR) for losing track of a grievance or failing to promptly return a member’s phone calls about it.
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