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The Puppetmasters of Academia (or What the NY Times Left out)

Jonathan Latham, PhD Independent Science News
The Times buried the real story: active collusion between the agribusiness and chemical industries, numerous and often prominent academics, PR companies, and key administrators of land grant universities for the purpose of promoting GMOs and pesticides.

Clean label claims: a legal perspective

Donna Berry Food Business News
Many food and beverage marketers have started playing the clean label and sustainable card. Such terms as “artisan,” “clean,” “earth friendly,” “local,” “pure” and “simple” are being used on product packages and web sites. Avoiding ambiguity is a key issue for staying out of legal trouble.

Sensory Evaluation: Mouth Behaviors and Food Textures

Melissa Jeltema Ph.D., Jennifer Vahalik, and Jacqueline Bec Prepared Foods
Consumers gravitate to favorite mouthfeel behaviors, whether it involves chewing, crunching, "smooshing" or sucking. The Understanding & Insight Group (U&I) has found a previously unrevealed, unexpressed need that drives texture preferences: mouth behavior. The truth is that individuals have a preferred way to manipulate food in their mouths (mouth behavior) and this BEHAVIOR determines the food textures they will prefer.

Menus of Change gives kudos to restaurants

Bret Thorn Nation's Restaurant News
Menus of Change conference discusses sustainability, ecology, water sourcing, the benefits of “plant-forward” diet, and food culture.

Algae: It's What's For Dinner

Food Technology editors
Algae, quinoa and pulses are considered by some food technologists to be the best protein sources and strong alternatives to slow meat consumption, reduce food waste and help feed the world’s growing population.

Coke Funds Scientists for Diet Advice

Susanna Pilny World Einnews
Coca-Cola is indirectly spreading a controversial message that to lose weight, the food and beverages you consume don’t matter so much as long as you exercise.

Silicon Valley Meets America's Salad Bowl

Though just down the road from each other, the country's tech capital and one of the country's largest farming regions are only now starting to work together—with only a little culture clash. If farmers and tech entrepreneurs can find common ground, our food supply will benefit.

Nutrition Gets Personal

Clare Leschin-Hoar Future Food 2050
Dietary guidance that’s targeted to your precise genetic makeup is the wave of the future, says nutrition scientist Jeffrey Blumberg.

Food Faiths & Diet Religions

This review of Alan Leinovitz's, The Gluten Lie, discusses how the author sees parallels between religious stories, fairy tales and nutrition myths.