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Ten Years Ago, Chicago Teachers Gave Us All a Jolt of Hope

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
On the tenth anniversary of the Chicago Teachers Union’s groundbreaking strike, Labor Notes is reissuing their award-winning book "How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers." This is the new introduction.

Rest in Power Mike Parker, 1940-2022

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
One of Mike’s major contributions was a critical examination of closely linked employer strategies that swept the country in the 1980s and 1990s: lean production, the team concept, and labor-management participation schemes.

Rest in Power, Anne Feeney (1951-2021)

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
She sang for steelworkers, carwash workers, miners, strawberry workers, railroad workers, anti-sweatshop activists, homeowners fighting foreclosure, public transit supporters, auto workers opposing NAFTA, and many more.

UPS Contracts Rejected

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
The tentative agreement also does nothing substantial to address drivers’ other big concerns: excessive forced overtime, technological surveillance, and harassment by supervisors.

Teamsters United Nearly Topples Hoffa

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
The majority of the ballots were already in by October 31, the day the union's federally mandated Independent Investigations Officer recommended charges against Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall, who until recently seemed to be 75-year-old Hoffa's heir apparent. Hall was charged with obstructing a corruption investigation by destroying thousands of documents and emails.