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Once a Year We Ask Our Readers for Their Support - Now is That Time

Portside moderators Portside
We can move our country forward. The Resistance and the recent elections are dramatic evidence that something fundamental is happening. Portside will continue to do our part. Once a year we ask our readers to help. Now is that time.

Our Annual Fund Appeal - Counting on Our Readers' Support

Portside moderators Portside
We can move our country forward by moving it to the left. The Resistance and the gains in the recent elections are dramatic evidence that something fundamental is happening. Portside will continue to do our part. We ask for your help once a year.

Letter to Portside Labor Readers

Portside moderators Portside
The tidal wave of bull dukey that accompanied this year's elections was more than matched by progressive analysis and advocacy . . . if you knew where to find it. The fact is that mass struggles impacted every aspect of life in the U.S. in 2012. We hope you found Portside a timely and reliable source of news, left analysis and advocacy not only for domestic issues by for historic events internationally.