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Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO's Combative President: 'We Still Punch Far Above Our Weight'

Steven Greenhouse The Guardian
Under Trumka, labor has sought to extend its power by alliances, cooperating with African-American groups, immigrant groups, environmental groups and others as well as car wash workers and day laborers seeking to organizers. He points to the wave of Fight for $15 protests scheduled for April 15 as an example of a new way workers are flexing their muscles.

Movement to Increase McDonald's Minimum Wage Broadens Its Tactics

Steven Greenhouse The New York Times
While the fast-food movement may not be close to persuading McDonald’s to adopt a $15 minimum wage, even the campaign’s critics acknowledge it has achieved some of its goals by prompting a national debate about low-wage work and nudging various cities and states to raise their minimum wage.

Movement to Increase McDonald's Minimum Wage Broadens Its Tactics

Steven Greenhouse The New York Times
While the fast-food movement may not be close to persuading McDonald’s to adopt a $15 minimum wage, even the campaign’s critics acknowledge it has achieved some of its goals by prompting a national debate about low-wage work and nudging various cities and states to raise their minimum wage.

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner: Organized Labor's Public Enemy No 1?

Steven Greenhouse The Guardian
Republican Governor Bruce Raynor launches ferocious attack on organized labor in Illinois. The Governor has aimed his attack against both public and private sector workers. This goes beyond Wisconsin Governor Walker whose attack was mainly aimed at public sector employees.

Ruling Says McDonald’s Is Liable for Workers

Steven Greenhouse New York Times
A major ruling by the NLRB states that McDonald's is jointly responsible for the working conditions in its franchises. This ruling will have major impacts for the company and other corporations that have increasingly relied on the franchise model.