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The Recovery

Heidi Shierholz EPI
Four Years Into the Recovery and We’re Just a Fifth of the Way Out of the Hole Left by the Great Recession

Los Infiltradores

Michael May The American Prospect
How three young undocumented activists risked everything to expose the injustices of immigrant detention—and invented a new form of protest.

Profile - Mohamed ElBaradei

Ex-IAEA chief and Nobel laureate to be named Egypt's new interim prime minister, three days after army ousts Morsi. The June 30 Front, an amalgam of several opposition groups, believe Elbaradei is "the voice of their demands"

Happy Summer. You’re Covered in Fungus.

Kent Sepkowitz The Daily Beast
Thanks to new technology, we know now exactly which microbes are crawling behind our ears, between our eyebrows, and especially on our feet. Kent Sepkowitz explains the gross new study.

Friday Nite Videos -- July 5, 2013

Movie: Commie Camp. Just how smart are dogs? Egyptians impatient with 'gimmics of democracy.' Egypt: Epidemic of sexual harassment. Snuggly the Security Bear calms our fear of government snooping.