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In Praise of I.F. "Izzy" Stone

Peter Dreier Common Dreams
In these critical times, remembering what one of last century's most courageous journalists taught us

Media Bits and Bytes - June 18, 2019

Byron Allen v. Comcast goes to SCOTUS; Rightist Media Power; T-Mobile-Sprint Merger; Tech Economy Brings Inequality; Media Workers Unionize; "When They See Us"; Readers Call Out NYT Warmongering

Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism Speech Was a Landmark

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Jacobin
In a single speech, Bernie showed why he's an existential threat to the political establishment. He decried poverty and exploitation and named capitalism as the culprit and democratic socialism as the solution.

Marta Harnecker, Presente

Farooque Chowdhury Telesur
A relentless fighter, comrade Marta Harnecker (1937 – 2019) made valuable contributions in the areas of theory related to revolution for socialism in the broader Latin American perspective.

Will Someone Please Explain to Trump How Tariffs Work?

Allen Woods The Recorder
Tariffs are not paid by foreign governments, such as Mexico and China, or by Mexican or Chinese companies exporting goods to the U.S. Instead, they are paid for by the American company importing the goods.

Sanctions Are Genocidal, and They Are the U.S.’s Favorite Weapon

Justin Podur Independent Media Institute
banner about deadly sanction
For the empire, genocide, like aggression, is a normal part of politics. Nuclear planners plan how to commit it. Sanctions officials administer it. And for the most part, human rights organizations take no position on it.