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Trump’s Deal for Palestine: Worse Than Britain’s A Century Ago

Jonathan Adler +972 Magazine
President Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
The British Mandate for Palestine laid the groundwork for 100 years of conflict. While the Mandate falsely promised Palestinians sovereignty, Kushner’s deal will try to bribe Palestinians away from sovereignty with the promise of economic prosperity.

DSA Helped Elect Them. Now What?

Emma Whitford In These Times
DSA chapters across the country are navigating relationships with politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Socialist Strategy and the Capitalist Democratic State

Stephen Maher and Rafael Khachaturian Socialist Project
Running socialist candidates for office, mobilizing social struggles from below, and building the institutional infrastructure of working class power can be mutually reinforcing

The War on Brazilian Democracy

Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Marcelo K. Silva Boston Review
Since taking office in January, President Jair Bolsonaro has not only become less popular. He has also done perhaps irreparable damage to fundamental democratic institutions.

The Scandal of Puerto Rico’s Botched Disaster Relief

Mark Weisbrot LA Times
Puerto Rico's oversight board has an enormous budget ... that mostly goes to advisers and consultants. The scale of the corruption is because Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States.

Friday Nite Videos | May 31, 2019

Why All the Arguments Against Impeachment Are B.S. Mavis Staples | "We Get By". Hasan Minhaj and Ilana Glazer Discuss Abortion Laws. High Flying Bird | Movie Trailer. Extreme Groups at Home and Abroad.