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Segregated by Design

Mark Lopez, Richard Rothstein, YouTooCanWoo Segregated by Design
Examine the forgotten history of how our federal, state and local governments unconstitutionally segregated every major metropolitan area in America through law and policy.

DIY Gravitational Waves with 'BlackHoles@Home'

American Physical Society
The public will be invited to lend their own computers to help the scientific community unlock the secrets contained in gravitational waves observed when black holes smash together.

Turkey’s Only Communist Mayor Scores Another Election Victory

Mehmet Cetingulec Al-Monitor
Fatih Mehmet Macoglu, an organic farmer and Turkey’s first communist mayor.
Five years ago Fatih Mehmet Macoglu became Turkey’s first Communist mayor, leading the small town of Ovacik in a manner that soon won him nationwide claim. Last week Macoglu was elected mayor of Tunceli, a provincial capital in Eastern Turkey.

Imperialism After Empire

Stuart Schrader Boston Review
A new book reveals the extent of the "Greater United States," but territory is not as important as it used to be. Instead, imperialism endures today in the logic of capitalism.

Imperialism After Empire

Stuart Schrader Boston Review
A new book reveals the extent of the "Greater United States," but territory is not as important as it used to be. Instead, imperialism endures today in the logic of capitalism.