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Wabtech Union in Erie Wins

Jessica Corbett Common Dreams
The senator and 2020 presidential candidate called the 90-day deal a win for workers "who are sick and tired of seeing their standard of living decline as a result of corporate greed."

The Decision to Form the Communist International

John Riddell John Riddle
After an initial decision to postpone forming the new movement, the delegates changed course abruptly during the third day of debate and launched the Communist International.

Global Left Midweek - March 6, 2019

Montréal Urban Left, Eastern Europeans on Venezuela Crisis, France: Police vs. Yellow Vests, Algeria's Mass Protest Movement, El Salvador’s Backslide, Swaziland Youth Congress, Class Struggle in Iran

Media Bits and Bytes - March 5, 2019

Fox's Friend; UC Breaks Ranks; Facebook FUBAR; Backyard Reporting; CNN's Big Score; Antisemitism at Radio Marti; Microsoft Accuses Moscow

The English Diggers, the "Commons," and the Green New Deal

Ed Simon History News Network
In 2019, I would argue, the idea of the “commons” as a space of collective ownership, responsibility, engagement, and possibility must be a metaphor that the left draws from rhetorically, wrenching it free from the realms of theory and philosophy...

In Defense of Ilhan Omar, Again

Jeffrey C. Isaac Public Seminar; Common Dreams
Did the House pass such a full-throated Resolution about anti-Semitism after Charlottesville, or after the recent Pittsburgh synagogue massacre?

Casual Observations About the Ha Noi Summit

Chuck Searcy Veterans for Peace
Staff at a restaurant were discussing Trump's quick departure yesterday. "Trump left because the meeting was not successful," they said. But they added with relaxed assurance, "No problem; there will be other meetings. This will take some steps."