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The Illusion of Race-Neutral Tax Policy

Misha Hill, Alan Essig, Meg Wiehe, Jenice Robinson, Steve Wamhoff and Carl Davis Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
A continued “colorblind” approach to tax and economic policies is outmoded and ineffective. Acknowledging the disparate impact tax policies have based on race is paramount to building truly equitable and sustainable tax systems.

Popular Vote Movement Gains Momentum In States

Sam Brasch National Public Radio
And while a majority of the country has expressed support for giving the presidency to the person who wins the most votes — 55 percent in the latest Pew Research Center poll — there are sharp partisan divides.

Michael Cohen Implicated Trump in at Least 11 Different Felonies

Greg Walters Vice News
From potential involvement in a grand Russia conspiracy to pilfering money from his own charitable foundation, here’s an incomplete list of the criminal activity Trump’s former personal attorney dropped at the feet of the president

Friday Nite Videos | March 1, 2019

Student Loans | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj. 39TH Razzie Awards Announcement! Racism in the Michael Cohen Hearing? A New Algorithm Decodes Rat Squeaks. Native Son | Movie.

Apartheid Road: ‘the Borders of Our Own Bantustans’

Michele Giorgio il manifesto
‘This new road is a curse.’ The construction of Route 4370 is part of the ‘Greater Jerusalem’ project that aims to integrate the city with some colonies in the surrounding area, turning them into Jerusalem’s suburbs. But it’s also isolating Palesti