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The Return of the Strike

Steven Greenhouse The American Prospect
This year, thousands of teachers, hotel workers, Google employees, and others walked off the job and won major gains. Which raises two questions: Why now? And will this continue?

TSA Screeners Call Out Sick

Rene Marsh and Gregory Wallace CNN
Two of the sources, who are federal officials, described the sick outs as protests of the paycheck delay.

NAFTA 2.0: Nothing for Workers

Bruce Allen The Bullet
The 1994 NAFTA had both labour and environmental side agreements. These agreements were mere window dressing. The same can be expected with respect to the provisions of the Labour chapter in NAFTA 2.0.

Time to Begin Impeachment Proceedings

Rashida Tlaib and John Bonifaz Detroit Free Press
We do not need to wait on the outcome of Mueller’s investigation before moving forward with an inquiry on whether the president has committed impeachable “high crimes and misdemeanors”: abuse of power and abuse of the public trust.