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The Anti-War Left Makes Inroads in Israel

Interview by Federico Fuentes Links
Standing Together’s national field organizer Uri Weltmann discusses the growing peace movement inside Israel, confronting far-right extremists seeking to disrupt humanitarian aid going to the Gaza Strip, and the left’s recent electoral breakthroughs

Israel, Russia, and International Law

Lawrence S. Wittner Froeign Policy in Focus
National impunity is not inevitable, at least if people and governments of the world are willing to take the necessary actions.

The Republican Id

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
Rather than visiting red-state diners, reporters ought to journey to the venerable conservative message board where the talk after the Trump verdict was nihilistic and bloody.

Southern Worker School Charts Course for Power

Southern Workers Assembly Southern Workers Assembly
Nearly two hundred rank and filers who are developing a movement of workers in the South that can build power to make the anti-union politicians’ fears a reality gathered in Charlotte, NC on May 17 – 19 for the 2024 Southern Worker School.

The Dangerous Class Consciousness of Donald Trump

Stephen F. Eisenman Counterpunch
With the 34 guilty verdicts delivered on Thursday by a New York City jury, Donald J. Trump is now shown to have been plucked by a “seductive priestess,” a Maja named Stormy Daniels.

Integrated Vision

Tom Stevenson London Review of Books
The military protection of Saudi Arabia has been the centrepiece of US power in the region. The US has also committed itself to the protection/support of Israel. America has managed this balancing act without trouble, but it has posed problems.