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USA Interference in Foreign Countries

Joseph B. Atkins Portside
In 2017 MSNBC ran 1,385 broadcasts on Russia and its political meddling. I wonder what the average Honduran today thinks about U.S. corporate media’s obsessive coverage of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Trump Administration Orders Closure of Palestinian Office

Matthew Lee and Susannah George AP
Palestinian official Saeb Erekat said the move was“yet another affirmation of the Trump administration’s policy to collectively punish the Palestinian people,including by cutting financial support for humanitarian services including health&education"

Allende’s Last Speech

Salvador Allende Jacobin
Salvador Allende was killed 45 years ago today in a US-backed coup. Here's his final address, broadcast over the radio while he was barricaded in the presidential palace.

The Ups & Downs of the Concept of ‘White Privilege’

Howard Machtinger Portside
To have a chance at a just future, let’s find ways to push back against the raging tides of racism that have driven too much of our nation’s history and are now re-emerging in stridently blatant forms.

Why We Continue to March in Gaza

Abdalrahim Alfarra The Electronic Intifada
waving Palestinian flag in midst of black smoke
The soldiers were looking at us and their weapons were aimed toward us. And there was a deceitful sniper who waved at us, telling us to leave the place safely.