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Book Review: Daniel Ellsberg's New Nuclear Wakeup Call

Chuck Idelson Portside
The secrets Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers) unfolds are a thousand times more frightful than Stephen King at his best. Except this is no novel. Not “Dr. Strangelove” but “A Hard Rain’s a Gonna Fall.”

Friday Nite Videos | March 30, 2018

Cornel West on 'The Radical King.' The Beatles | Revolution. How the NRA Hijacks Gun Control Debates. Fallback Friday With Sacha Jenkins and Baratunde Thurston. MLK’s Radical Final Years.

Tidbits - March 29, 2018 - Reader Comments: Nation Demands Gun Control - Parkland Manifesto, Youth of Color; 2018 Elections; Bolton War Preparations; Puerto Rico; Unions: What Now; May Day -Chicago; Announcements; and more...

Reader Comments: Nation Demands Gun Control - Parkland Student Manifesto; Youth of Color Demand to be Heard; 2018 Elections; Bolton and War Preparations; Vietnam War; Puerto Rico; Unions: What Now; Europe-Lessons from Center-Left Collapse; May Day in Chicago; Announcements; and more...

US Trade Deficits, Trump Trade Policies, and Capitalist Globalization

Marty Hart-Landsberg Reports from the Economic Front
The US trade deficit is the result of a conscious globalization strategy by large multinational corporations. This strategy has greatly paid off for them. They have been able to use their mobility to secure lower wages, reduced regulations and lower taxes.

Middle America Reboots Democracy

Lara Putnam and Theda Skocpol Democracy - A Journal of Ideas
We spent months talking with anti-Trump forces-they're not who pundits say they are. Tens of thousands of women, mostly mothers and grandmothers ranging in age from their 30s to 70s, are fueling an American political transformation that most media outlets are systematically missing, or misreading.

What Gives Me Hope About This 'Enough Is Enough' Movement

Harry Targ Diary of a Heartland Radical
I have had bursts of enthusiasm before when women marched for their rights, masses mobilized against war, and many stepped up to say no to police violence and mass incarceration, I was touched emotionally even more this time around, by several features of this new movement.

As Trump consolidates his power, the history of 1930s Germany repeats itself

Sasha Abramsky The Sacramento Bee
I have been reading about what follows when institutions that are supposed to moderate extremist, demagogic leaders default in their role. And how easily those institutions are swept aside, at best complicit in their own irrelevance, at worst full partners in the brazen agenda of the demagogue.