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A History Lesson for Chuck Schumer on Israel, and a Changing America

Peter Beinart The Forward
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer.
Charles Schumer, leader of the Senate Democrats, is worried younger Americans, including young American Jews, are becoming more critical of Israel. But it is not because they are ignorant of history. It’s because they are less enthralled to myth.

The Big Bank Giveaway

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
"The bank lobbyists have been hitting Capitol Hill hard, and they have a Dodd-Frank rollback bill lined up with the support of every Republican and 12 Democrats."

The Strike Against Fear

David Broder Jacobin
On this day in 1943, a strike in Italy’s FIAT company marked the beginning of the end for Mussolini.

Friday Nite Videos | March 9, 2018

Why Robert Mueller Is Saving Trump Aide Roger Stone for Last. Oscar Brown Jr. | The Snake. Get Me Roger Stone | Documentary. John Oliver | NRA TV. Trump's White House Has 'No Chaos.'