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Six Months in the “Resistance”

Stuart McIntyre Organizing Upgrade
I have now spent 6 months on the ground in Ohio supporting local ‘Resistance’ groups, and helped a team of volunteer leaders build OPAL (Ohio Progressive Action Leaders), a statewide planning and coordinating body at the center of the ‘Resistance’ network in the state. Who are the “Resistance”? Why are they joining? What are their politics? And how do we invite them to join with progressives, and communities of color to build a left-led political majority in America?

Corruption and Violence Overshadow the 2017 Honduras Presidential Election

Erin Fiorini TeleSUR
When Honduras' Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) issued its first report Tuesday, opposition candidate Salvador Nasralla had a five percentage point lead over incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernandez, an “irreversible” trend according to TSE magistrate Ramiro Lobo. But somehow the trend has been reversed, leading to charges of "electoral manipulation” and an “electoral coup". Erin Fiorini, writing in TeleSUR, offers background and analysis on this important election.

Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya

Ben Norton FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
The war ended in October 2011. US and European aircraft attacked Qadhafi’s convoy, and he was brutally murdered by extremist rebels. The government soon dissolved. In the six years since, Libya has been roiled by chaos and bloodshed. Multiple would-be governments are competing for control of the oil-rich country, and in some areas there is still no functioning central authority. Many thousands of people have died, although the true numbers are impossible to verify.

Cries From the Prison-City of Rohingya Refugees

Davide Lemmi il Manifesto
Fleeing rape, torture and mass killing, Burmese Rohingya arrive in this camp of half a million souls, traumatized by the military operation to ‘cleanse’ Myanmar of Muslims.