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Friday Nite Videos | November 3, 2017

Law & Oranger. Fats Domino | Ain't That A Shame. Time Travel in Fiction. John Kelly Has Lost the Benefit of the Doubt. Silicon Valley Answers to Congress Amid the Russia Probe.

Tidbits - November 2, 2017 - Reader Comments: U.S. Troops in Africa; Indonesian Slaughter; Puerto Rico Recovery; NAACP: Avoid Flying American Airlines; Stevie Wonder; Japanese Internment - Exhibit, Film, Lessons for Today; and more...

Reader Comments: U.S. Armed Forces in Africa - Why?; 1965 Indonesia Slaughter; Puerto Rico Recovery, by Puerto Ricans; Whitefish Energy Scandal; NAACP Urges Black Passengers to Avoid Flying American Airlines; Stevie Wonder Sang the National Anthem on His Knees; Lost Mural by Secret Communist Unearthed; Abortion Resources; Then They Came For Me - Chicago exhibit until November 19; Join George Takei for premiere of "And Then They Came for Us"; and more.....

The Demise of the Soviet Union: The Secret War that Helped Destroy Soviet Socialism, 1981-1991

Paul Krehbiel Changemaker Publications
On the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the author takes aim at the narrative that socialism crumbled in the Soviet Union under its own weight, brought about by inherent weaknesses and contradictions of socialism. Instead the case is made that a concerted and relentless 10-year secret war by the Reagan Administration so weakened the Soviet economy and Soviet psyche, along with missteps by the Soviet leadership, that socialism was overthrown.

‘We Wrapped the Guns in Plastic Bags’

Piero Gleijeses London Review of Books
My knowledge of Cuba’s revolutionary offensive in Latin America is based on conversations with Cuban and Latin American protagonists, including – after two decades’ knocking at the door – a five-hour tête-à-tête with Castro in June 2015; as well as on documents from the US, the USSR, the GDR, Canada and Britain.

Against Carceral Feminism

Victoria Law Jacobin
Relying on state violence to curb domestic violence only ends up harming the most marginalized women.

What Killed the Democratic Party?

William Greider The Nation
A new report offers a bracing autopsy of the 2016 election—and lays out a plan for revitalization.

California to Become an (Almost) Sanctuary State

Duane Campbell Democratic Left
Immigrant communities throughout California led the fight for legislation that does away with deportation practices, such as local police arrests for "civil immigrant warrants", and helps ensure that spaces like schools, health facilities, courthouses and other spaces are safe and accessible to all.