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Expert Exposes US Biological Warfare During Korean War

Erin Fiorini teleSUR
“U.S. engaged in shameful tactics employing many kinds of weapons whose use was banned by international law” by the 1925 Geneva Protocol, and later the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention."

Ensuring Equality for All Californians in the Workplace

Los Angeles Black Worker Center Los Angeles Black Worker Center
Discrimination has created a crisis in the Black community. Although the passage of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act forbids racial discrimination in the workplace, black workers continue to face higher rates of discrimination in the workforce than white workers do. ‘Whether working full-time or part-time, Black workers earn only three-quarters of what white workers earn,’ as stated in the introduction of the brief.

California Game Changers: Can We Ban Fracking?

Judith Lewis Mernit Capital & Main
If you were to parachute into Kern County about 40 miles west of Bakersfield, you might doubt California’s status as a national leader on climate.

Trump Sides With Big Agriculture Over Family Farmers

David Dayen The Nation
Tuesday, the USDA withdrew an Obama administration rule designed to protect farmers from certain predatory and retaliatory practices. The decision further immiserates family farmers who have no choice but to submit to the machinations of Big Ag processors.

The Balfour Declaration’s 100 Year Legacy of Racism and Propaganda

Dan Freeman-Maloy Mondoweiss
In November 1917, British foreign secretary Lord Arthur Balfour declared British support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”; in December, Jerusalem fell to British troops, and the effects of these events continue to reverberate. The Balfour Centennial should be a time of somber reflection about global responsibility for the tragedy in Palestine, which is more than a local record of colonial crimes, severe as these have been.