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Reproductuve Health Care On the Line: Whose Fight?

Nicole Knight, Auditi Guha Rewire
Anti-choice lawmakers’ attacks on independent abortion clinics are working. Fifty-six independent abortion clinics have closed over the past two years, and 145 have shut down since 2012. And a new report documents that Black people back comprehensive reproductive health care. Eighty-nine percent support a person's right to abortion care and 75 percent don’t want to see Roe v. Wade overturned.

The Importance of the Fight for the South -- and Why It Can and Must be Won

Bob Wing and Stephen C. McClure Organizing UpGrade
The far right, racism, militarism, inequality, and poverty are all centered in the South. The majority of African Americans, the main protagonist of progressive politics in this country, live in the South. And the South has more electoral votes, battleground state votes, population, and congresspersons than any other region. The South is changing rapidly, giving rise to more progressive demographic groups - especially Black and Latino migrations...

How Big Business Got Brazil Hooked on Junk Food

Andrew Jacobs, Matt Richtel New York Times
As growth slows in wealthy countries, Western food companies are aggressively expanding in developing nations, contributing to obesity and health problems.

There Is Still Hope - Even for Me

Edward Snowden, Martin Knobbe, Jörg Schindler Spiegel online
In an interview, whistleblower Edward Snowden discusses his life in Russia, the power of the intelligence apparatuses and how he will continue his battle against all-encompassing surveillance by governments.

An Israeli Physician on War Crimes and the “Open Wound” of Israeli Segregation

Alon Mizrahi +972 Magazine
When Dr. Ruchama Marton founded Physicians for Human Rights-Israel during the First Intifada in 1988, she elevated the concept of “human rights” in Israeli political discourse on the occupation. On her 80th birthday, Marton talks about the atrocities she witnessed as a soldier, the enduring power of feminism, and why only outside pressure, such as the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement, has a chance of ending Israel’s military rule over the Palestinians.