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Interview with Mantell Stevens, Organizer Working on Kentucky’s Policy of Lifetime Disenfranchisement

Erin Kelley Brennan Center for Justice
Mantell Stevens is an activist, organizer, speaker, and lobbyist with Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, a grassroots social justice organization working on a number of issues, including ending Kentucky’s policy of lifetime disenfranchisement. Kentucky is one of only three states that continue to impose lifetime disenfranchisement, permanently barring citizens from the ballot box as a consequence for any felony conviction.

The Investigator

Ruben Ship Radio For All
The popularity of The Investigator in the United States is a gratifying sign that the American people are no more complacent about witch hunting than their ancestors were three hundred years ago in Salem, Massachusetts. Until now fear has temporarily immobilized them, as it did their forbears in New England. But one of the best antidotes to the paralyzing poison of fear is laughter. -- from the liner notes of The Investigator.

Why Did Trump Win? More Whites - and Fewer Blacks - Actually Voted..

Bernard Fraga, Sean McElwee, Jesse Rhodes, Brian Schaffner Washington Post
Black turnout declined dramatically; white turnout increased noticeably; and Latino and Asian American turnout went up even more. In the key swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, those shifts were especially strong. How strong? Without those shifts in turnout from various racial and ethnic groups, these pivotal states might have gone not to Trump but to Clinton — giving Clinton an electoral college victory.

‘Competitive’ Distractions

Josh Bivens and Hunter Blair Economic Policy Institute
Cutting corporate tax rates will not create jobs or boost incomes for the vast majority of American families -- the facts you need to shred the myths.

Trump Wants a New Afghanistan Surge; Another Terrible Idea

Douglas Wissing Politico
The US war in Afghanistan, this country’s longest war, cannot be won. Nonetheless, the Trump Administration is reportedly considering deploying an additional 3,000 to 5,000 more soldiers in Afghanistan, while NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, announced this week it is also considering increasing troop strength by “a few thousand troops.” The human and financial costs continue to mount but the generals can’t see defeat and the war corporations see only profit.

Don't Monkey With Education

Fay-Cooper Cole Scientific American
In 1925 a Tennessee teacher of biology named Thomas Scopes was tried for teaching the theory of evolution. An expert witness at the trial relates how evolution lost in court but won in the eyes of the nation.