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The Prisoners’ Revolt: The Real Reasons behind the Palestinian Hunger Strike

Ramzy Baroud Common Dreams
The protests igniting across the Occupied Territories to support 1,500 hunger strikers are not merely an act of 'solidarity' with the incarcerated and abused men and women who are demanding improvements to their conditions. Sadly, prison is the most obvious fact of Palestinian life; it is the status quo; the everyday reality.

How Trump Is Riding on the Shoulders of Obama's Interventions in Central America

Brigitte Gynther, Azadeh Shahshahani AlterNet
Trump’s policies against immigrants are an intensification of the Obama administration’s targeting of Central American refugees through raids going after women and children in January 2016 as well as using large scale family detention as a deterrence mechanism aimed at stopping others fearing for their lives from fleeing to the US. The Trump administration is flagrantly exacerbating harmful U.S. immigration and foreign policies implemented for over a century.

Climate Equity from the Grassroots

Jessica Medina SCOPE, Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education
We envision a South L.A. that is a healthy and economically stable region with opportunities and resources for residents to thrive and sustain themselves, their families, and their communities. This vision is guided by residents with support from a robust public sector that provides equitable investment and full integration of low-income communities of color in the decision-making processes about where, how to invest public funds, especially those coming from the GGRF.

The High Costs of US Warmongering Against North Korea

Christine Ahn Truthout
In its first 100 days, the Trump administration has deployed Secretary of Defense General Mattis, Secretary of State Tillerson, and now Vice President Pence to South Korea and Japan. Speaking at the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Pence stated that "the era of strategic patience is over" and threatened that "if China is unable to deal with North Korea, the United States and our allies will."

Reclaiming May Day, Workers' Day Born in U.S.

Al Hart United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE)
The tradition of May 1 as the international holiday of the working class began in the United States, but for many decades was lost to the U.S. working class. Beginning in 2006, with mass marches and work stoppages by immigrant workers, working people in this country have begun to reclaim their day.

In the Chicago Region, When White People Leave Jobs Tend to Follow

Alden Loury Metropolitan Planning Council
Chicago area municipalities that witnessed sharp declines in white population between 2000 and 2010 have continued to lose population, lose jobs or lose both since 2010, particularly majority-black and majority-Latino suburbs

3 Percent and Dropping State Corporate Tax Avoidance in the Fortune 500 -- 2008 to 2015

M Gardner, A R Davis, R S McIntyre R Phillips Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
Few state tax trends are as striking as the rapid decline of state corporate income tax revenues. As recently as 1986, state corporate income taxes equaled 0.5 percent of nationwide Gross State Product (GSP) (a measure of statewide economic activity). But in fiscal year 2013 (the last year for which data are available), state and local corporate income taxes were just 0.33 percent of nationwide GSP- representing a decline of over 30 percent.

Into the Meat Grinder of Humanity with `Beyond Caring'

HedyWeiss Chicago Sun-Times
Three women, all clearly desperate for jobs, arrive for "orientation" at the work room of a meat processing plant. They have been sent by an employment agency as "temporary workers" - a euphemism for low wages, no benefits, short-term contracts with uncertain payroll dates and the most appalling work conditions. So begins Alexander Zeldin's remarkable "immersive" soul-stripping production of "Beyond Caring."

A Special Obscenity

Cal Winslow Jacobin
Picasso painted Guernica eighty years ago this spring. It still stands as a searing protest against the brutality of war and fascism.