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Tidbits - April 27, 2017 - Reader Comments: Peoples Climate March; Science; Korea; Nuclear War Danger; France; Hawaii IS a State; GOP Health Plan; Single-Payer; Fascism Today; Resources; Announcements-MAY DAY; Labor Film Festival; and more....

Reader Comments: Peoples Climate March and a Defense of Science; Korea; Danger of Nuclear War; Marine Le Pen is a Fascist, Not a Populist; Hawaii IS a State - Understand Jeff Sessions; GOP Health Plan - A Disaster; Attraction of Single-Payer; Airline Abuse, Profits and Deregulation; Fascism Today - Portside readers exchange views; Resources; Announcements-MAY DAY; Trump and the Left; Labor Film Festival; Left Forum; Oscar López Rivera is Coming to New York; and more...

Donna Leon: Why I Became an Eco-detective Writer

Susanna Rustin The Guardian (UK)
On the 25th anniversary of her first crime novel, the Commissario Brunetti author reveals how she is responding to dark times "I'm interested in why people do things. Crime in itself isn't interesting, it's just horrible. The convolutions of greed are more interesting intellectually than passion, because with passion the name is the answer. What happens once you open the door to temptation and to possibility, that's what fascinates me - how people worsen."

Where Is The Peace Movement When We Really Need It?

Ethan Young The Indypendent
The peace movement is where realism about U.S. military madness lives. The movement is the main challenger to nationalism and xenophobia, and the main force for internationalism in an interconnected world. It abides in the best political instincts in every other progressive social movement. Restoring it is a collective responsibility for the entire range of forces shocked into motion by the 2016 election.

North Korea and the Korean War: A Dissident Draftee Remembers

Mark Solomon Portside
The Korean War was central to the militarization of our society and to the creation a national security state. It was an essential element in fostering racism, sexism and in the cutting of social programs - creating growing inequality. Today, the threat of a cataclysmic war between Washington and North Korea cannot be discounted. It is vital for the US public to know that North Korea has been asking for a peace treaty with Washington and Seoul for sixty-four years.

On April 29, We March for the Future

Bill McKibben The Nation
We'll either save or doom the planet during the Trump administration. Don't sit the Peoples Climate Mobilization out. Trump is either the end of the fight for a working planet Earth - or the moment when that fight turns truly serious. That choice is not up to him. It's up to the rest of us. See you in DC.

Declaration of the Third Mediterranean Conference of the Left

Left parties and movements have a huge role to play to respond to the call and despair of ordinary people in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Mideast. We need to build a movement for social and climate justice, democratic participation, peace and socialism to oppose austerity, oppression, militarization and a lack of democracy.

Will Boycotts Change Anything?

Nina Sparling Who.What.Why
Boycotts can reach people otherwise uninterested or disengaged with politics. The challenge — as #deleteUber demonstrated — is using the boycott to effect substantive change rather than relatively minor concessions.