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Black America and the Passing of Fidel Castro

Bill Fletcher, Jr. Bill Fletcher, Jr. Blog
For many of us in Black America, Castro represented the audacity that we have desired and sought in the face of imperial and racial arrogance.

Unity, the Best Tribute

Granma Staff Granma
It was with deep sorrow and regret that the Cuban people learned of the passing of Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz. Granma shares some reactions to the news.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reacts to U.S. Army Corps Eviction Notice: Your Letter Makes a Grave. Dangerous Mistake

Levi Rickert Native News Online.Net
EAGLE BUTTE, SOUTH DAKOTA – Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Harold Frazier was quick to respond to the U.S Army Corps of Engineers’ letter, dated November 25, 2016, that will evict the water protectors who are camping at Oceti Sakowin camp. The 10-day eviction notice came one day after Thanksgiving where thousands have come to show solidarity with the water protectors who oppose the Dakota Access pipeline. Read Frazier’s letter below:

Billionaires vs. the Press in the Era of Trump

Emily Bazelon New York Times
A small group of superrich Americans — the president-elect among them — has laid the groundwork for an unprecedented legal assault on the media. Can they succeed?

Black-White Earnings Gap Returns to 1950 Levels

Patrick Bayer and Kerwin Kofi Charles Science Blog
More and more working-age men in the United States aren’t working at all. The number of nonworking white men grew from about 8 percent in 1960 to 17 percent in 2014. The numbers look still worse among black men: In 1960, 19 percent of black men were not working; in 2014, that number had grown to 35 percent of black men. That includes men who are incarcerated as well those who can’t find jobs.

Fidel Castro Obituary

Richard Gott The Guardian
Charismatic leader of the revolution and president of Cuba who bestrode the world stage for half a century.

Stein Files Recount Petition in Wisconsin, Hillary to Help

Karoun Demirjian Washington Post
Wisconsin has the first deadline of the three states in question. If Stein’s campaign wishes to file recount petitions in the other states as promised, she must do so by Monday to meet Pennsylvania’s deadline, and Wednesday to meet the Nov. 30 deadline in Michigan.