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 Dear Class of 2016: Don’t Be Fooled by This Glorious Day

 Tom Engelhardt The Nation
Perhaps it would be better to see Donald Trump as a symptom, not the problem itself, to think of him not as the Zika Virus but as the first infectious mosquito to hit the shores of this country. If you need proof that he’s at worst a potential aider and abettor of authoritarianism, just take a look at the rest of our world, where the mosquitoes are many and the virus of right-wing authoritarianism spreading rapidly with the rise of a new nationalism...

Voter Repression Is a Serious Problem: It Is Time for a New Freedom Summer

Bill Fletcher Alternet
Republicans have created immense obstacles to registration - reduced the number of days for early voting, eliminated same-day registration - all with the clear and unadulterated aim of sinking, if not eliminating the Democratic electorate. What is striking is that, not very far behind their bogus arguments regarding alleged voter fraud, Republicans are close to admitting, or will outright admit, that their aim is to get potential Democratic voters to remain home.

CSPG's Poster of the Week

Center for the Study of Political Graphics Center for the Study of Political Graphics
More than thirty years have passed since the end of the dictatorship but Brazil's democracy is again being challenged.

Power Loves the Dark: Police Nationwide Are Secretly Exploiting Intrusive Technologies With the Feds’ Complicity

Matthew Harwood and Jay Stanley TomDispatch
No where do America’s wars come home more fiercely or embed themselves more deeply than in USA police forces. Jay Stanley and TomDispatch regular Matthew Harwood, both of the American Civil Liberties Union, write that intrusive new forms of technology, developed by or in conjunction with the Pentagon for battlefield use, are coming to your neighborhood. So welcome to the war zone, America.

Two Men, Two Legs and Too Much Suffering: The Forgotten Vietnamese Victims

Nick Turse TomDispatch
He was short in stature, elderly, frail, and couldn't hear particularly well, but what struck me most were his eyes. They were cloudy and rheumy, yes, but there was something else, something deep and troubled, beyond the merely physical, swirling inside them. His eyes were haunted.

School Solutions and Turnarounds

Bobbi Murray & Bill Raden Capital and Main
California has become ground zero for the national battle over charter school expansion. Some of America’s richest individuals and largest foundations are pouring resources into what critics view as the privatization of public education. Based on six months of reporting and interviews with experts, elected officials, educators and advocates on both sides of the debate, “Failing the Test” is a comprehensive portrait of how charter schools are changing public education.