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Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience

Chad Nicholson and Stacy Long Popular Resistance
Grant Township Supervisor Stacy Long explained, “We’re tired of being told by corporations and our so-called environmental regulatory agencies that we can’t stop this injection well! This isn’t a game. We’re being threatened by a corporation with a history of permit violations, and that corporation wants to dump toxic frack wastewater into our Township.”

Burying the White Working Class

Connor Kilpatrick Jacobin
After decades of being told white workers would never support socialism because they’re racist, we’re now told that they support the socialist candidate because they are racist. Yes, this is where liberals are in the year 2016.

Dr. Billionaire, Meet Dr. Salk

Sam Pizzigati
Can we conquer disease without concentrating wealth in a precious few pockets? Not-so-distant history offers a clear and encouraging answer.

Elizabeth Warren Owns Donald Trump

Zach Cartwright US Uncut
Donald Trump is very likely regretting his Twitter attack on Senator Elizabeth Warren after her savage responses went viral.

'I resign because I refuse to serve as an empire chaplain'

Andrea Germanos Common Dreams
A US Army chaplain has resigned to protest the use of drones in a "policy of unaccountable killing." "I resign," he says, "because I refuse to support U.S. policy of preventive war, permanent military supremacy and global power projection. "

Friday Nite Videos -- May 13, 2016

Donald Trump Bashes Hillary Clinton For Her Husband's Affairs. How Tree Frogs 'Stick' Their Landing. Michael Pollan on Cooking. Trump Transforms for the General Election. Solution to the Grandfather Paradox.

Tidbits - May 12, 2016 - Reader Comments: Contested Convention Needed; #BernieorBust" Dead End; Left and 2016; Baldwin; Shakespeare; Israel and BDS; Panama Papers Database....

Reader Comments: Contested Convention is Needed; and "#BernieorBust" Dead End; The Left in 2016; Stopping Israel's Occupation and BDS; Israel as the Last Remaining, Active Settler-Colonialist Project; Who's Afraid of Communism - Paul Buhle comments; Teamster and Other Multi-Employer Pension Plans; Teacher Challenges Low Evaluation in Court and Wins; Baldwin; Shakespeare; James Connolly - appreciated today; Just Released - Panama Papers Database...

The Israeli General who Compared the Jewish State to Nazi-era Germany

William Booth Washington Post
'It's scary to see horrifying developments that took place in Europe begin to unfold here,' Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan said during a Holocaust Remembrance speech. The lunatics who will now start to scream against him need to know: This is what morality and responsibility sound like. - Israeli opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog.

Remembering Michael Ratner - The Loss of a Hero

Vince Warren; Sam Roberts; Bob Guild
We lost one of the great social justice warriors of our time, Michael Ratner. While a law student at Columbia University in 1968 this empathy and compassion helped him find his political focus during student protests against the Vietnam War. "[E]vents like this created the activists of the generation and I never looked back; I declared that I was going to spend my life on the side of justice and non-violence."