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Fukushima Five Years Later: Unfolding and Still Uncontrolled

H. Patricia Hynes Portside
March 11th marked the 5th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, one of only two nuclear accidents classified as a level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale, (the other being Chernobyl). And while the mainstream media ignores Fukushima’s still unfolding nuclear tragedy; others are pointing to Fukushima’s still intractable problems of public health and safety, radioactive waste and contamination, a grave situation for which no “textbook” exists.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 11, 2016

Warren: Senate GOP 'Paying the Price for Their Own Extremism.' Baba Brinkman | A Brief History of Rhyme. Voters for Trump. The Computer That Mastered Go. Emmylou Harris, Rodney Crowell | Till I Can Gain Control Again.

Chasing Utopia

Sam Gindin Jacobin
Worker Ownership and Cooperatives Will Not Succeed by Competing on Capitalism's Terms.

Hillary vs. Bernie vs. the 1 Percent

Sam Pizzigati Campaign for America's Future
Hillary Clinton's tax plan would result in modest decreases in after-tax income that would figure to irritate America’s most financially fortunate. But that irritation would likely turn to outright outrage if the Bernie Sanders proposals ever went into effect.

Donald Trump: American Fascist

Robert Reich Robert Reich blog
Viewing Donald Trump in light of the fascists of the first half of the twentieth century – who used economic stresses to scapegoat others, created cults of personality, intimidated opponents, incited violence, glorified their nations and disregarded international law, and connected directly with the masses – helps explain what Trump is doing and how he is succeeding.