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Black Love Matters

Mark Winston Griffith The Nation
A dispatch from the inaugural gathering of a proudly diffuse, rapidly growing, hyper-local movement for black lives.

Five Reasons to Care About Verizon Contract Negotiations

Diana Rosen Jobs with Justice
In anticipation of their current contracts expiring on August 1st, CWA and IBEW recently announced that an overwhelming majority of their members voted to authorize a strike in case labor and management fail to reach fair contracts.

Bernie Sanders Hosts a Nationwide House Party for Over 100,000 Would-Be Foot Soldiers

Nick Corasaniti New York Times
The national organizing day, which featured more than 3,500 events and house parties across the country, centered around a technological infrastructure that uses text-messaging sign-ups and a deep database of volunteers. Attendees at the house parties were asked to text a number to opt in and show interest.

A Crash With Chinese Characteristics

Sean Starrs Jacobin
The massive $3.2 trillion destruction in financial value hasn’t sparked a broader financial crisis in China — an illustration of how China’s financial system is different from other major powers. While the People’s Bank of China has sufficient firepower to reverse a crash of several trillion dollars (far more than most other countries), China’s financial system is also comparatively isolated relative to both global finance and China’s own domestic population.

Gaza: 'Israeli war crimes' followed soldier's capture - Amnesty

BBC News BBC News
"This report presents an urgent call for justice that must not be ignored. The combined analysis of hundreds of photos and videos, as well as satellite imagery and testimony from eyewitnesses, provides compelling evidence of serious violations of international humanitarian law by Israeli forces which must be investigated."

Advocates and attorneys cheer judge’s decision against family detention

Nuri Vallbona Global Sisters Report
Judge Gee also decried the “deplorable” conditions of the temporary holding centers along the border dubbed “hieleras” or ice boxes. Testimony from recent detainees said that the overcrowded rooms sometimes held as many as 100 people “which forced children to sleep standing up or not at all.”

Autonomous Weapons: an Open Letter from AI & Robotics Researchers

Future of Life Institute
This open letter was announced July 28 at the opening of the IJCAI 2015 conference on July 28. Journalists who wish to see the press release may contact Toby Walsh. Hosting, signature verification and list management are supported by FLI; for administrative questions about this letter, please contact

Georgia is Segregating Troublesome Kids in Schools Used During Jim Crow

Marian Wang ProPublica
"It's a warehouse for kids the school system doesn't want or know how to deal with," a parent told the Justice Department of the program. The Justice Department detailed its findings in a letter earlier this month to Georgia's governor and attorney general.

The Return Of The Ugly German

Joschka Fischer Social Europe
The massive conflict with France and Italy, the eurozone’s second and third largest economies, is not over, because, for Schäuble, Grexit remains an option. By claiming that debt relief is “legally” possible only outside the eurozone, he wants to turn the issue into the lever for bringing about a “voluntary” Grexit.