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Canada’s Oil Country Promises to Become ‘World Leader’ on Climate Change

Emily Atkin Think Progress
Last month, the historically ultra-conservative and oil-rich province of Alberta, Canada, did the unthinkable: It elected a left-wing government. And that new government just made one of its first big moves: It announced a serious clamp-down on climate change, including doubling its carbon tax.

The Political One Percent of the One Percent

Peter Olsen-Phillips, Russ Choma, Sarah Bryner and Doug Web
Just one hundredth of one percent of people in the United States contributed nearly one third of all the money spent in the 2014 elections, a greater proportion than ever before, according to a new study. In the first full midterm since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, the influence of the One Percent of the One Percent continued to grow. Candidates, parties and super PACs depend on the super elite.

Stop Killing the Elderly With Kindness

Travis Saunders Public Library of Science Blogs
If you take a healthy 20 year-old, force them to sit all day, and refuse to let them do any physical labor out of fear they might hurt themself, it would cause them to “age” extremely rapidly. We need to promote more, not less physical activity for our elders. The next time you consider telling your grandmother to sit down, think about whether that’s really in her best interest.

'Grassroots Movement Working': Bernie Sanders Gains on the Clinton Machine

Lauren Gambino and Ben Jacobs The Guardian
Sanders’ campaign has evolved from a longshot to a legitimate challenge in a very short time. The senator is drawing the largest crowds of any candidate and is gaining ground on Clinton in polls emerging from across the early voting states. Sanders rails against the “grotesque and obscene” concentration of wealth in America, has refused to have a Super Pac support him and is focused on wooing small-dollar donors.

Friday Nite Videos -- July 3, 2015

Feeling the Bern in Madison, Wisconsin. Documentary: Amy. Slandero Gigante. Bree Newsome Exclusive Interview. The Chemistry of Fireworks.

Tidbits - July 2, 2015 - Condition of Black Life - Our Real Problem with Race; Take Down Your Flag; Black Churches Being Burned; Greek Referendum; Columbia Divests From Prisons; more...

Reader Comments: The Condition of Black Life...Our Real Problem with Race; Take Down Your Flag 140+ artists post videos; Black Churches Being Burned; Greek Referendum; Columbia Divests From Prisons; Naomi Oreskes and Changing Climate; World War II Chemical Experiments Tested Troops By Race; Iran Nuclear Deal; About George Soros and the Ukraine...More Comments; Donate to Rebuild the Churches Fund; Announcement - Art Exhibit of Boycott Posters - Tacoma - July 2-16

"From Worker Education Center to Hedge Fund and State Department Cabal: An Open Call to Struggle Against an Obscene Transformation"

John Alter Committee of Concerned Students, Alumni, Faculty, & Staff
The struggle to save Worker Education continues. This battle is an integral part of the defense against the class warfare waged on unions, public education and institutions, the working class and those who work toward a democratic society, and human rights and opportunity for the oppressed, not hedge funders and warmongers. We have deeply disturbing developments to report about management's recent actions.

Statement By Bree Newsome: "Now Is The Time For True Courage"

Brittany "Bree" Newsome Blue Nation Review
White supremacy has dominated the politics of America resulting in the creation of racist laws and cultural practices designed to subjugate non-whites. The emblem of the confederacy, the stars and bars, in all its manifestations, has long been the most recognizable banner of this political ideology. It's the banner of racial intimidation and fear whose popularity experiences an uptick whenever black Americans appear to be making gains economically and politically.

Socialists and the U.S. Political System

Joseph M. Schwartz DSA - Democratic Socialists of America
Barriers to social change posed by our constitutional structure should not overwhelm us with pessimism. The history of the United States is punctuated by radical reform periods: Reconstruction, the Progressive Era, the New Deal and the civil rights era. Militant social movements can make major gains when ruling elites prove incapable of solving major social crises. During these periods a moderate reform party temporarily controls all three branches of government,

Argentina Shows Greece There May Be Life After Default

Joseph E. Stiglitz and Martin Guzman TheWorldPost
This Sunday, Greek citizens will debate two alternatives: austerity and depression without end, or the possibility of deciding their own destiny in a context of huge uncertainty. None of the options are nice. Both could lead to even worse social disruptions. But while with one of them there is some hope, with the other there is not.