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Naomi Oreskes, a Lightning Rod in a Changing Climate

Justin Gillis New York Times
Dr. Oreskes’s core discovery, made with a co-author, Erik M. Conway, was twofold. They reported that dubious tactics had been used over decades to cast doubt on scientific findings relating to subjects like acid rain, the ozone shield, tobacco smoke and climate change. And most surprisingly, in each case, the tactics were employed by the same group of people.

The Hoax of Climate Denial Why “Politically Motivated” Science Is Good Science

Naomi Oreskes Tom Dispatch
In recent decades, of course, the Republicans have lurched rightward on many topics and now regularly attack scientific findings that threaten their political platforms. In the 1980s, they generally questioned evidence of acid rain; in the 1990s, they went after ozone science; and in this century, they have launched fierce attacks not just on climate science, but in the most personal fashion imaginable on climate scientists.

Israeli Nukes

Dan Drollette, Jr. / Avner Cohen and William Burr Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists / Politico
While negotiations over limiting Iran’s enrichment program have taken center stage in news coverage, the history of Israel’s covert nuclear program draws relatively little media attention. Israel has long maintained a policy of nuclear ambiguity, neither confirming nor directly denying that it has a nuclear deterrent, and the United States government has officially taken the same stance.

Al Jazeera Documentary Shows Mexican Farmworkers’ Struggles in Historic Strike

Rachel Luban In These Times
A historic farmworker uprising ignited this March in Baja California, Mexico. Thousands of crop pickers stopped work at peak harvest in the valley of San Quintin, a major source of the U.S.’s tomatoes, cucumbers and berries, demanding better pay, legally mandated benefits and an end to sexual harassment in the fields. Fault Lines’ “Invisible Hands” premieres on Al Jazeera America on Monday, June 22nd at 10 p.m. Eastern time/ 7 p.m. Pacific.

A Remembrance: Dr. Ossian Sweet’s Black Life Mattered

Heather Bourbeau JSTOR Daily
Ossian Sweet rose from humble beginnings and became a doctor who tried to help the poor. His story is admirable. In a better world, it would be fairly unremarkable. But Dr. Sweet was African American in the 1920s, and his life tells the story of race struggles in this country—then and now. Unfortunately, his life also shines a light on issues still facing black Americans today: not just segregation, but also injustice at the hands of those meant to keep the peace.

George Soros: ‘Puppet Master’ Behind Ukrainian Regime

F. William Engdahl New Eastern Outlook
The hacker group CyberBerkut has recently published online letters allegedly written by New York billionaire George Soros that expose him as a puppet master behind the US-backed Ukraine government, involved in the minutest details of the workings of the Kiev regime. They also reveal his machinations with the US Government and the officials of the European Union in a scheme where, if successful, he could win billions through the plunder of Ukrainian assets.

Germany Doesn’t Want A Grexit; It Wants Regime Change

Mark Weisbrot Al Jazeera America
Despite the hype and brinkmanship, Germany doesn’t want to Greece to leave the Eurozone. The true objective is to undermine popular support for the Syriza government to get a new more compliant regime, a “slow-motion coup d’etat.” Germany, the other EU countries, and the U.S., will try to give Greece enough oxygen to avoid default and exit, which they really don’t want, but not enough for an economic recovery, which they also don’t want.

Pope Francis’ Call for a “Bold Cultural Revolution” to Save the Earth

Ian Angus Climate and Capitalism
Pope Francis’ long awaited and controversial encyclical on the environment repeatedly challenges the reliance on capitalist market forces to address climate change, and links the root causes of the environmental crisis to the causes of global inequality and “human and social degradation.” According to Ian Angus, editor of Climate and Capitalism, Pope Francis has now positioned the Catholic Church as an ally in “fighting the number one crisis facing humanity today.”

Call It What It Is, Or Be Complicit

Terrance Heath Campaign for America's Future
Reasonable people cannot deny that the Charleston shooting was a racially driven act of terror. To deny the connection between Roof’s actions and extremist rhetoric that tells young people like him that black people are inherently violent and criminal is to be complicit in the actions that such rhetoric inspires.

The South's Sordid History of Attacks on Black Churches

Chris Kromm Facing South
The Charleston massacre is the latest in the long record of attacks on Southern black churches. Historically law enforcement officials have refused to consider them hate crimes unless the suspects had direct ties to Klan-like groups, thus ignoring the societal role of racism. But most of these hate crimes are committed by unaffiliated young white males who grow up in a pervasive culture of racism that scapegoats African Americans and others for their economic hardship.