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US To Pay Millions for Agent Orange Claims

Aljazeera America
More than 2,000 Air Force veterans and reservists are set to receive over $47.5 million for exposure to the harmful chemical. Ending years of wait, the government agreed Thursday to provide millions of dollars in disability benefits to as many as 2,100 Air Force reservists and active-duty forces exposed to Agent Orange residue on airplanes used in the Vietnam War.

For Mother Emanuel and In Solidarity with the Black Living and the Dead

Tamura A. Lomax The Feminist Wire
Today I mourn with the families and community of the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) in Charleston, S.C. I mourn for the living and the dead. I mourn for Black life. But simultaneously, I rage. I rage against the executions, beatings, dispersals, and assassinations of Black people everywhere. I am calling out the current manifestation of Black genocide, racial cleansing, and white terrorism happening in the U.S.

L.A. Tackles the Infrastructure Crisis

Marc Haefele Capital and Main
Former CA Governor Schwarzenegger once called it “stuff [I] used to blow up in the movies.” America’s infrastructure—highways, railways, bridges and thruways—now face a doom worse than the Terminator ever imagined: destruction from the rust, decay and corrosion of trillions of dollars worth of old tracks, canals, ports, structures and causeways that carry our trade and traffic all over the United States. Every $1 billion of federal investment creates about 13,000 jobs.

Veterans Urge Drone Operators to Refuse Orders to Fly

David Swanson World Beyond War
An increasing number of United States military veterans are counseling United States military drone operators to refuse to fly drone surveillance/attack missions – the veterans are even helping sponsor prime time television commercials urging drone operators to “refuse to fly.”

Against All Odds: Voices of Popular Struggle In Iraq

Collected from dozens of interviews and reports from Iraqi feminists, labor organizers, environmentalists, and protest movement leaders, Against All Odds presents unique voices of progressive Iraqi organizing on the ground. Dating back to 2003, with emphasis on the 2011 upsurge in mobilization and hope as well as the subsequent embattled years, these voices belong to Iraqis asserting themselves as agents against multiple local, regional, and global forces of oppression.

The Miracle Drug You Need to Take

Jordan D. Metzl Science Friday
It reduces cancer risk, promotes weight loss, slows type 2 diabetes. Prevents heart disease, addresses high blood pressure and cholesterol. Reduces strokes and heart attacks. Improves immunity. Blocks dementia and relieves depression. This is something you really have to know about.

Save Alexander Hamilton. Dump Andrew Jackson.

Alexandra Petri Washington Post
The Treasury has finally decided to put a woman on our currency by 2020. Fine. Great. But what cretin decided to take Hamilton off of the $10 and let Andrew Jackson stay on the $20?

Inside the Mind of Bernie Sanders: Unbowed, Unchanged, and Unafraid of a Good Fight

Paul Lewis The Guardian
He is the rising star of the battle to be the Democratic nominee for president. But who is the real Bernie Sanders? His close friends and family shed new light on what is motivating the 73-year-old senator, while never-before-seen documents from his first foray into politics – as a Vermont mayor – reveal activist roots that were 30 years ahead of their time

Friday Nite Videos -- June 19, 2015

Nightly Show Panel - Shooting in South Carolina. Bill Would Remove Confederate Flag in South Carolina. Neil Young: Rockin' in the Free World. Lacey Schwartz Talks 'Little White Lie.' Movie: Black and Cuba.

Tidbits - June 18, 2015 - Bernie Sanders, Tamir Rice, Kalief Browder, Ella Baker, BDS, Low-Income Schools, Paul Robeson, and more...

Reader Comments: Bernie Sanders; Tamir Rice; Kalief Browder; Ella Baker; BDS; Low-Income Schools; Rachel Dolezal; TPP; Edward Snowden; Greece; Bessie; Okinawa; Puerto Rico; Jazz; Watts Rebellion; Immigration; Announcements: March to Shut Down Rikers; Detroit Tribute to Paul Robeson and His Work for Peace; Solidarity Delegation of 20 US Activists to Visit Venezuela