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Why Private Investment Isn’t Driving a Rapid Green Transition

An Interview with Brett Christophers Jacobin
Declining renewable energy prices have not led to a long-predicted renewables boom, because green energy still isn’t sufficiently profitable for private investors. Public investment and ownership is essential to driving a rapid green transition.

First They Came for the Immigrants

Max Elbaum Convergence
Today’s hatemongering reflects a deeply rooted problem: a global “crisis of the right to stay home” due largely to Washington’s role in structuring the world’s economics and politics.

Obamacare Created Big Medicine

Matt Stoller The Lever
Looking at American health care is an exercise in despair, with health conglomerates engaged in killing people for profit, with endless 10-15 percent increases in annual premiums, and with judges and policymakers not even knowing where to start.