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University of Illinois Chicago Faculty Agrees to Tentative Contract

By Jodi S. Cohen Chicago Tribune
Union officials said that while the contract will expire in about a year and a half, they are well positioned to negotiate future agreements. “We have one year to regroup, and we will continue on with some of the things we didn’t get this time,” said. UIC English Professor Lennard Davis, “We have shown the university what we can do when we organize."

Philly Police Will No Longer Hold Immigrants on Behalf of ICE

News Works
Philadelphia's only Latino City Council member, Maria Quinones-Sanchez, became emotional while talking about the executive order. "This victory is so huge, not only for the city of Philadelphia but for rest of the country," she said. "And for those of you who do immigrant work and know the faces behind the stories, the people who have suffered who we couldn't save before."

Violence surges from Islamic uprising in Nigeria

Washington Post
In a country where relations between Muslims and Christians can be fraught and sometimes escalate into bloodshed, the 5-year-old insurgency is encouraging extremists from both religions and widening the gulf as never before.

Pulitzer Vindicates: Snowden Journalists Win Top Honor

Lauren McCauley Common Dreams
Guardian and Washington Post each honored with Pulitzer for Public Service. The Guardian team broke the first report on the NSA's collection of Verizon phone records and Gellman, with help from Poitras, reported on the wide-ranging surveillance program known as "PRISM." In addition to Greenwald, Poitras, MacAskill and Gellman—who are primarily credited for the NSA revelations—a number of other reporters working at the publications also contributed to the reporting

The Era of Financialization, An Interview with Costas Lapavitsas: Parts 1 and 2

Interview with Costas Lapavitsas Dollars and Sense
These are the first two parts of a four-part interview with Costas Lapavitsas focusing on the Era of Financialization and the transformations at the “molecular” level of capitalism that are driving changes in economic performance and policy in both high-income and developing countries. Lapavitsas is a professor of economics at SOAS, University of London, and the author of Financialised Capitalism: Expansion and Crisis (Maia Ediciones, 2009)

Climate Change and False gods: Moloch and the Bible-Punchers in the US

Meredith Tax openDemocracy
The UN's IPCC report on climate change calls for immediate action to deal with a crisis which supersedes and includes all other questions. Meredith Tax says that international pressure on the US government to deal with the crisis is essential, for soon it will be too late.

Lonely, Ignored Voice Predicted Boeing Job Drain

Danny Westneat The Seattle Times
Despite being given the largest state tax break in U.S. history, Boeing is shipping jobs out of the state. One guy that nobody listened to predicted it.