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16-Hour Shifts, But Not a Real Worker?

Sarah Jaffe Working In These Times / In These Times
It's not unheard of for surgery residents to work for more than a day and a half straight.

The Most Important Labor Strike in the World Is Happening Right Now

David Callahan Policy Shop Blog / Demos
Tens of thousands of workers at industrial estates across Indonesia walked off their jobs on Oct 28 at the start of week-long protests to demand average wage increases of 50 per cent next year, citing rising living costs.

Torpedoing the Iran Nuclear Talks

Conn Hallinan FPIF Blog
The fact that the first round of talks on Oct.15 was hailed by Iran and the P5+1 as “positive” has energized opponents of the negotiations, who are moving to block any attempts at softening international sanctions against Teheran, while at the same time pressing for a military solution to the conflict.

Toronto Transit Bans “Disappearing Palestine” Ad Claiming Risk of Anti-Jewish Violence

Ali Abunimah The Bullet
The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) has rejected a group's bus ad showing Israel's expropriation of Palestinian land over time, claiming the ad could incite anti-Jewish discrimination and violence. The centerpiece is a series of four maps that show the loss of control of Palestinian land to the Zionist movement and Israel between 1946 and the present. The ad also states: “This is unfair. It is also illegal under international law.”