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Don Yelton: Not So Out of Step With GOP

Brentin Mock
Former North Carolina GOP precinct chair Don Yelton stirred controversy with his racially charged interview on The Daily Show about the state's voter ID law, but are his views on the law really out of line with the party's?

Socialism and Sports

Lee Levin Democratic Socialists of America
Too often feminists and leftists dismiss the importance of sports in society and only focus on the machismo culture encouraged by professional/college athletics. Although that culture is real to an alarming extent, I dare say it is also an elitist attitude that is not conducive to mass organizing and needs to be re-considered.

Friday Nite Videos -- October 25, 2013

Nations Be Spying, Yo. Crash Course: History of Life on Earth. Wendy Davis, in Her Own Words. Stop Watching Us. Fortunate Son. Movie: 12 Years a Slave.

The Long History of Privatization Failures

Ellen Dannin Employment Policy Research Network (EPRN)
We need to own up to is that privatization experiments, based on ideology rather than evidence, have created disruption, neglect, and harm to vital public services and infrastructure - and those effects have undermined the private sector which depends on high quality public services. We seem to have forgotten that the public sector has long created the environment and resources necessary for businesses to prosper.

Texas Judge Almost Blocked From Voting Because of New Voter ID Law

Aviva Shen Think Progress
Texas new voter ID law could prevent women who use maiden names or hyphenated names from voting. Women must present original documents verifying their name change. So far Texas has issued 41 free voter IDs to women who request one - out of 1.4 million Texas voters who lack the required documents.

Beyond Fast Food Strikes - Why the Left Shouldn't Write Off Low-Wage Strikes

Trish Kahle Jacobin
Despite the massive attention it's gained, this movement is still in its infancy. It must be built with strong workplace and community networks. This summer, we went on strike for very concrete demands. But we also went on strike for dignity, respect, and power. Because militancy works. My bosses don't taunt me about going on strike anymore. After striking, I got a raise - and more than a dozen co-workers asking me how they could join the union.