An updated estimate says it could be at least 210,000 patients a year – more than twice the number in the Institute of Medicine’s frequently quoted report, “To Err is Human.”
A libertarian Republican who voted for Ron Paul in 2012 and believes that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is the future of the GOP enrolls in a Bronze-level Obamacare health insurance plan
Shutstorm 2013: Bias on Bulls**t Mountain. Gimme Shelter | Playing for Change. Hijacking Prison Phone Calls for Profit. 100K Poets for Change. The Joy of Teaching -- Office Hours. Victor Jara's Last Song.
Reader Comments: Eliseo Medina and UFW; American Exceptionalism; Income Gap;Atomic Bomb Near Mishap; Walmart; Govt Shutdown; Syria & Peace movement; South Africa; Iran; Prisons for Profit graphic;
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