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One Thing Is Certain: We Cannot Change Physics

Hilary Rosner Public Library of Science
The race for renewable sources of energy is far from over, and the winners may ultimately be those that mimic nature rather than subverting it. Because one thing is certain: we cannot change physics.

What I Learned From Getting Shot

Brian Beutler Salon
Defenders of stop-and-frisk and racial profiling have made me break my public silence about the night I almost died

Statement by Bradley Manning: On Being Sentenced

Bradley Manning
The following is a transcript of the statement made by Pfc. Bradley Manning as read by David Coombs at a press conference on Wednesday after Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison.

Don’t Get Complacent About Social Security. They Still Want to Cut It.

Richard Eskow Campaign for America's Future
Activists remain heavily mobilized against Social Security cuts. Progressive groups collected over two million signatures opposing them. Tens of thousands of people signed an anti-cut “birthday card” to Social Security last week on the 78th anniversary of its creation.

Claiming and Teaching the 1963 March on Washington

Bill Fletcher Jr. Zinn Education Project
There is one constituency that can legitimately claim the legacy of the march—one that has been eclipsed in both history as well as in much of the lead-up to the August 2013 commemorations: black labor.

The Scariest Man in America

Paul Buchheit Common Dreams
Scary because ... over 100 bills introduced in 2013, backed by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and heavily funded by the Kochs, seek to drive down wages, benefits, and worker rights.

Movements Without Leaders

Bill McKibben TomDispatch
In recent months -- and it’s the curse of an author that sometimes you change your mind after your book is in type -- I’ve come to like the idea of capital L leaders less and less. It seems to me to miss the particular promise of this moment: that we could conceive of, and pursue, movements in new ways.