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Can Left Parties Oppose Militarism?

Jonathan Michael Feldman The Global Teach-In
When questions are raised about militarism towards the Global South, the liberal-to-left militarists will to resort to claims of whataboutism, a mind-numbing concept which attempts to link opposition to militarism with solidarity with Putin. 

A Deep South Governor’s Race To Watch

Ben Jealous Trice Edney Wire News
Presley has a story beyond his kinship with Elvis. He was raised by a single mom who worked in a garment factory after his father was murdered. He tells working-class voters that they should see their names on the ballot when they see his.

Defend Boris Kagarlitsky!

Hank Reichman Academe Blog
News of Kagarlitsky’s arrest has sparked anger and empathy among a wide range of activists.

ALEC’s Funding Revealed

David Armiak | Center for Media and Democracy
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) tries to rewrite the state laws that govern your rights, often benefiting huge corporations. A review of hundreds of tax filings by CMD reveals some of the top bankrollers of ALEC.

Idiots, No Longer Useful

Boris Kagarlitsky Russian Dissent
Arrests of 'Angry Patriots' like war blogger Igor Strelkov in Russia have begun. No matter how wrong the Angry Patriots may be, they are punished not for their sins, not even for their principles, but for the fact that they have principles at all.

New Trump Charge: The Attempt To Delete Securitv Camera Footage

U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Justice
The U.S. Department of Justice's revised ('superseding') indictment against Donald Trump, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira provides a riveting minute-by-minute account of the conspirators' effort to delete incriminating security camera evidence.