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Iraq’s Climate Crisis

Juan Cole TomDispatch
You don’t want to be in the Iraq that this country invaded in what was, in essence, a giant oil grab and helped turn into a land of overheated rubble, dust, sand, drought, and increasingly over-the-top temperatures.

On the Anniversary of ‘The Fire Next Time’

David Shih The Progressive
Rereading The Fire Next Time after the death of Michael Brown, and then again after that of George Floyd, changed the book for me—because those events had changed me. I want my students to have that same opportunity in their own time, not just mine.

This Week in People’s History, July 18 – 24

Composer Jelly Roll Morton at the piano keyboard
Jelly Roll Morton's hit single in 1923. Women's Rights Convention in 1848. Disability rights a winner in 1968. Prepaid comprehensive healthcare in 1945. Investigation smoke and mirrors in 2004. Prisoner abuse in 2006. Civil disobedience in 1846.

Nuclear History in Lubumbashi

Roger Peet Justseeds
I’ve been working for several years on a large linoleum blockprint that traces the history of the use of Congolese uranium in the Manhattan project.

Want a Labor Party? Learn From the UK

Eric Blanc Labor Politics
What is the most viable path to a working-class party in the United States? How to Implode a Two-Party System from Within.