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Friday Nite Videos | July 14, 2023

Fran Drescher Delivers Fiery Speech on SAG-AFTRA Strike. Integrity Watch: Harvard Fake Data Scandal Explained. Jack Smith Smacks Down 'Frivolous' Trump Delay Move. AOC Teams Up With UPS Workers. The Greediest 'Non-Profit' Hospital in America.

Tidbits – July 13, 2023 – Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return To Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums That Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; Announcements; Cartoons

Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return to Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums that Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education Archive; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more....

Racism and Race – The John Roberts Two-Step

Jamelle Bouie New York Times
The Roberts two-step. He takes racism, a system of subjugation and social control, and removes the racists. What’s left is the mark of racism - race. A landmark case about the legitimacy of race hierarchy becomes, the use of race in school placement.

Actors Strike Is On, Throwing Hollywood Into Turmoil

Natalie Jarvey and Joy Press Vanity Fair
160,000 actors, members of SAG-AFTRA, are shutting down all industry filming and voice-over production at midnight tonight. They are joining the 11,000 writers, members of the Writers Guild, who have been on strike since May 2.

More Police in Schools Than Counselors

Robert Koehler LA Progressive
The nation’s schools are over-criminalized and under-resourced. U.S. schools have more police on hand than support staff.

As Goes Maine?

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
A hopeful story about the survival of independent local newspapers