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Major SCOTUS Victory for Native American Rights

Kolby KickingWoman ICT
“We won on every single issue and [the petitioners' law firm] is not taking home anything. They're not winning on a 10th amendment issue. They're not winning on Indian as a race-based classification. They're not winning on anything."

Beyond Racial Liberalism

Felicia Wong and Kyle Strickland Democracy Journal
Victory requires the long view: the values and ideas that must animate our new fight for racial justice.

Friday Nite Videos | June 16, 2023

DeSantis and Trump Among the Disciples. "We Built This" - Black-ish Season 4 Premiere. Big Win for Tribal Sovereignty in the Supreme Court. School Board President Destroys Homophobic Protestors. Why Disney World Is in Florida.

Tidbits – June 15, 2023 – Reader Comments: Trump Indictment; Killing Blacks a Growth Industry; David Byrne Relents; Readers Respond: “People’s Media” Network; 10 Years of Fight for $15; Eddie Kay Way-Street Naming Ceremony; Cartoons; More

Reader Comments: Trump Indictment; Killing Blacks a Growth Industry; David Byrne Relents-Musical to Have Live Orchestra; Readers Respond: “People’s Media” Network; Crypto Currency; 10 Years of Fight for $15; Eddie Kay Way-Street Naming Ceremony; more

The Surprising Pervasiveness of Pro-War Propaganda

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies, Marcy Winograd Foreign Policy in Focus
The war in Ukraine has divided progressives like few other foreign policy issues in recent years. A Foreign Policy in Focus commentary by John Feffer posted on Portside criticized CODEPINK's position on the war in Ukraine. Here is our response.

I’m a TV Writer on Food Stamps

Jeanie Bergen New York Magazine
While writers like me struggle to make ends meet, Hollywood studios get rich off the content we create.

We Ignore Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Candidacy at Our Peril

Naomi Klein The Guardian
If recent developments in the Kennedy campaign have demonstrated anything, it’s that denial is not a viable political strategy. His sycophantic treatment of Elon Musk is about as un-populist as a person can get...

Living on a Smoke-Bomb of a Planet

Tom Engelhardt TomDispatch
As those Canadian wildfires suggest, we’re now living on a new, not terribly recognizable, ever more perilous world in which not just this country but Planet Earth itself is in decline. Climate change is quickly becoming the climate emergency.