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Tribulations of the US Democratic Left

Paul Garver Chartist
The clowning of Republicans in Congress has a serious side while Democrats seem intent on attacking the left. Uniting around the resurgent workers’ movement could heal divisions.

The Illegal Invasion of Iraq: Never Forget

Lisa LingClare Bayard Common Dreams
None of us can afford to remain silent or apathetic about the devastation we continue to cause to innocent civilians. The money being spent on war must be redirected to those most impacted by U.S. aggression.

Ten Years of Citizens’ Assemblies in Slovenia

Alexandria Shaner and Iniciativa Mestni Zbor Socialist Project
Citizen assemblies are valued and promoted by a wide spectrum of advocates for increasing grassroots participation, democratization, diversity, solidarity, inclusion, sustainability, public health, community resources, transparency, and many other benefits to society.

In Breaking Iraq, America Broke Itself

Thanassis Cambanis The Century Fund
History offers countless examples of societies refashioned in the wake of disorder. For the United States, a first step toward a just new order requires naming the mistakes—the violations of law and morality, the crimes against humanity.

GPT-4 Is Exciting and Scary

Kevin Roose New York Times
Should you be excited about or scared of GPT-4? The right answer may be both. The more time I spend with A.I. systems like GPT-4, the less I’m convinced that we know half of what’s coming.

Behind the Scenes of Trump Georgia Grand Jury

Tamar Hallerman and Bill Rankin The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“A lot’s gonna come out sooner or later,” one of the jurors said. “And it’s gonna be massive. It’s gonna be massive.”

Friday Nite Videos | March 17, 2023

House MD Tries to Cure the 'Woke Mind Virus'. No Woman No Cry | Playing for Change. The Origins of the Death Penalty. These Leaked Emails Reveal the Coordinated Attack on Trans Health Care. Interview with Larry Summers | Jon Stewart.