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Nuclear Weapons and Nationalism: An Incendiary Mix

Andrew Lichterman Andrew Lichterman
The first UN General Assembly's first resolution set up a commission to bring back proposals to eliminate atomic weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction and to control atomic energy. That was seventy-seven years ago.

How Rising Temperatures Are Becoming a Labor Story

Steven Greenhouse Nieman Reports
Labor reporters are increasingly focusing on how extreme heat kills workers — and what should be done about it. They could focus on industry opposition to creating federal heat regulations, whether from agricultural employers or warehouse companies.

When My Song “Rich People” Went Viral, It Didn’t Make Me Rich

Carsie Blanton The Nation
If making a fortune is your goal, a career in music will take you a long way—in the wrong direction. Working in the music industry today is attempting to thrive in a hostile environment. Only the very lucky, well-connected, or well-funded survive.

New Poll: Voters Prioritize School Basics Over Culture Wars

American Federation of Teachers AFT
Poll participants are not interested in an agenda prioritizing political fights over things like book bans and limitations on how to teach about race and gender and instead support real solutions, like getting our kids and teachers what they need to recover and thrive